tetex-font-cm-lgc - CM-LGC Type1 fonts for LaTeX


This package contains the CM-LGC fonts. These are PostScript Type 1
fonts converted from the METAFONT sources of the Computer Modern font
families. CM-LGC supports the T1, T2A, LGR, and TS1 encodings,
i.e. Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek. There are also support files for

Homepage: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/ps-type1/cm-lgc

License: GPL

Vendor: Fedora Project


tetex-font-cm-lgc-0.5-8.fc6.noarch [5.3 MiB] Changelog by Sarantis Paskalis (2006-08-29):
- Bump release for FC6 rebuild.