rxvt - ouR XVT, a VT102 emulator for the X window system


rxvt,  version  2.7.10, is a colour vt102 terminal emulator
intended as an xterm(1) replacement for users who  do  not
require  features  such  as  Tektronix  4014 emulation and
toolkit-style configurability.  As  a  result,  rxvt  uses
much  less  swap  space  --  a  significant advantage on a
machine serving many X sessions.

Homepage: http://www.rxvt.org

License: GPLv2+

Vendor: Fedora Project


rxvt-2.7.10-12.fc8.x86_64 [136 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Bierfert (2007-08-22):
- 2.7.10-12
- new license tag
- rebuild for buildid