ipvsadm - Utility to administer the Linux Virtual Server


ipvsadm is a utility to administer the IP Virtual Server services
offered by the Linux kernel.

Homepage: http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/software/ipvs.html

License: GPLv2+

Vendor: Fedora Project


ipvsadm-1.24-9.x86_64 [32 KiB] Changelog by Matthias Saou (2007-08-24):
- Spec file cleanup.
- Update License field.
- Don't "chkconfig --del" upon update.
- Add missing kernel-headers build requirement.
- Update URL and Source locations.
- Remove outdated piranha obsoletes, it has never been part of any Fedora.
- No longer mark init script as config.
- Include Makefile patch to prevent stripping and install init script.
- The init script could use a rewrite... leave that one for later.