idioskopos - C++ introspection library


idioskopos (Greek: idio- inward, within, private; -skopos look, aim, target)
is a C++ library that simplifies (hopefully) the addition of object reflection
and introspection to C++ classes. idioskopos provides classes for implementing
properties (allocates and maintains value internally), reference properties
(a property interface to an external value under your control), and virtual
properties (a property interface created from get and set methods you supply).
The approach taken is an intrusive approach. One advantage is that special
preprocessors are not necessary; either for your own code, or for those that
use your code. A disadvantage of an intrusive approach is just that; it's
intrusive, meaning you must explicitly state what class members are properties
and instantiate them in your constructors.


License: LGPL

Vendor: Fedora Project


idioskopos-0.4.1-1.fc7.x86_64 [356 KiB] Changelog by Rick L Vinyard Jr (2007-01-10):
- New release
idioskopos-0.4.1-1.fc7.i386 [344 KiB] Changelog by Rick L Vinyard Jr (2007-01-10):
- New release